Saturday, March 10, 2012

Mixed Media Fun

I signed up for another Big Picture Class - Scrapbooking Your Faith. We're in week 2, and part of this week's assignment was to create a mixed media piece using a verse or phrase that speaks to you/inspires you. I chose "my hands are holding you" from the lyrics to 10th Avenue North's Song "By Your Side." It's a song that God is constantly using to remind me that he is always with me no matter what. Amazing how often I forget that fact. Maybe seeing this wall art every day will help me remember! Here's a few making of photos -

Started with a blank canvas, tissue tape and color card stock, then painted the whole thing purple.

Used some crumpled cardstock and a scrapbooking flower to make some color flecks.

 Painted my hands, then pressed each on the canvas. Went back over the edges/gave it more definition.
Then I added more tissue tape/cardstock. I cut out a butterfly and my letters out of chipboard using my Cricut. Painted the letters/butterfly and glued to the canvas.

The finished piece:

Friday, February 24, 2012

Moon Doodles

This week's Doodle United theme was "moon." I had lots of ideas, but only a few of them worked well in execution. Here are the best two which I submitted to the group:

An explanation of the waning moon (assuming it really is made of cheese)  ; )  
Sketched and then colored with the trusty old crayons:

This one is a take on the nursery rhyme "Hey Diddle Diddle." 
Got the idea after I sketched the cow jumping over the moon. Done in Illustrator:

OLW - Go - February Edition

 Finally got around to doing the February for my One Little Word class. The prompt was to take photos (or find pictures online) of things that represent what your word means to you. My smaller photos are fairly self explanatory: direction, travel, adventure, go. Most of the photos I found on Pinterist but I did take a few of them. 

For my bigger photo:
One of the things I am inviting into my life using my word 'Go' is trust in Christ - which reminded me of the song "Let It Go" by Tenth Avenue North. I often hold on so tight to what I think I want instead of letting go and trusting that Christ will be there to catch me and give me something better in His eyes. I overlaid the lyrics to the song using Photoshop.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Under the Apple Tree

New sketch: pencil drawing scanned, colored in Painter, edge effects added in Photoshop.

Monday, January 23, 2012

One Little Word

I started participating in this thing last year called One Little Word. Basically, you pick a word at the beginning of the year and then carry that word with you, invite it into your life, etc. for that year. This year my word is "GO." I'm hoping it will motivate me to make some big changes in my life (which will require me to be my word from last year - courageous). I'm also excited because I signed up for an online scrapbooking class at Big Picture Classes specifically for OLW. There is prompt every month to do with your word, as well as a gallery and forums where you can share your journey with your word with everyone else in the class. I've already been pleasantly surprised at the positive comments I've received on my images so far. Can't wait to see what the rest of the class and the rest of the year holds! Here's some of my progress so far:

My necklace charm. Not a requirement for the class, but I made one last year and it's a good reminder of my word on a daily basis.

This is my title page. I hand-drew the background in Painter, added Ali's border/title in Photoshop, then stuck the foam stickers on for my word.

One of the first prompts was to take a self portrait photo.

This is my page for January. The prompts were all about defining/introducing your word.

So, what's your One Little Word?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Catching Up

Well, it's safe to say I've been slacking on the blog updating. Not that I haven't been creating stuff, just too busy to remember to post! I'll spare you the details of my crazy life, but here's a bunch of images of what I've been up to in the past few months:

Mom & I redid my room & put new flooring down (it use to be purple).

Inspired by something my pastor's wife does, I created my own 'Blessing Ring' - a place to keep cards and notes of encouragement.

Helped with my church's Trunk or Treat. My trunk was "The Book of Kells." And yes, I free-handed those posters you see (I'll try and post detail shots later.)

Made a bead-weaved amulet pouch to hold my candle (battery powered) for Emmaus candlelight services - so my hands are free to hug and do sign language.

Had fun capturing the local squirrels feasting on the pumpkins we left on our steps.

Made a Santa basket in basket-making class.

Lots of time playing with our new Havanese puppy, Ginny. She likes to walk on my back if I'm laying on the floor.

Caroling Cows! Made for a Facebook group I joined called 'Doodle United.' The theme was Christmas.

This is (part of) my title page for my new scrapbook project for the year, One Little Word. My word, by the way, is "go." More on that later.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Basket Weaving

Yesterday mom and I got to try a new craft: the art of basket weaving. A friend of ours told us about a monthly class that is held at a local church, and we were all too excited to sign up! We had a lot of fun making our "Spider Baskets" (although we put bats on ours - which we'll probably take off). It's interesting, we started with the same instructions and materials, but I weaved mine pretty loose and she weaved hers tight, so our baskets look different from each other! Needless to say, we are both hooked. I can't wait for next month to make a "Santa Basket" - which we haven't seen a pic of yet but supposedly is round and has red reed in it. Here are some pics of my basket I made yesterday: